On the Features of Apology Speech Act in Chinese Linguoculture

  • Molodykh V.I.

    V.I. Molodykh. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia

  • Leontieva T.I.

    T.I. Leontieva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


The article discusses the impact of Chinese traditional culture and sociocultural relations n the value system of speech behavior of modern Chinese in numerous situations of expressing apology. We consider such concepts as Chinese speech etiquette, the princi-
ple of “saving face” in a speech act of apology, prototypical (or cooperative) and nonprototypical (conflict) situations. The question is raised about the need for a systematic study and description of national acts of communication in the framework of linguoculturology  and  text  linguistics.  The  attempt  is  made  to  systematize  and  explain  the  features of the functioning of apology forms in the speech of modern Chinese through the type of culture, socio-cultural relations and the category of politeness, which are considered as the most important regulators of communicative behavior that determine the Chinese national style of communication.  

Keywords:  speech behavior of modern Chinese, lexical-semantic forms of apology, speech
act of apology, principle of “saving face”, prototypical (or cooperative) and non-prototypical
(conflict) situations.